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Kilimanjaro Climate - Youth Adventures
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The warmest months of the year are January and February, while the wettest ones are April and May. Coolest months are June and July, while the driest ones are August and September. In terms of weather, the best months for climbing Kilimanjaro are January, February, and September.

The journey from the gate to the peak in one day is a fair metaphorical equivalent of a journey from the equator to Antarctica in a matter of days. It is so because the routes to the Uhuru Peak cross varied ecological zones. The temperatures to vary considerably as you climb with the altitude and time of day. There are five major ecological zones, each comprising of 3,280 feet of total mountain height.As we move higher and gain elevation, there’s a corresponding decrease in rainfall, temperature, and life. The average temperature at the base of the mountain is around 70°F to 80°F (27°C to 32°C). The temperate drops gradually as we move through different ecological zones of Mount Kilimanjaro. At the top in Uhuru Peak, expect the temperatures to be between 0°F to -15F (-18°C to -26°C). Due to the height and large structure of the mountain, it has its own separate weather different than the surrounding. It is extremely variable and very difficult to predict. Therefore, preparation for cold nights and wet days are undertaken regardless of when you plan to climb.)

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