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Booking Conditions and cancellation policy
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Youth Adventures / Booking Conditions and Cancellation Policy

Booking Conditions and cancellation policy

Youth Adventures booking condition for Kilimanjaro climbing and Tanzania safari to ensure prompt working to our clients.


To make your booking please make sure you have the correct names of all the clients and for tours and safaris as well as the nationality.
If any change occurs, email us early and we will hold your confirmed tour before the cancellation rules apply.


A 25% deposit is required to secure a booking. This deposit forms part of the payment for the trip and shall be offset to the total amount charged to the client/agent.
If the full amount is not paid at least three (3) weeks prior to departure, the Company reserves the right to treat the booking as cancelled and the deposit shall be forfeited.
Clients/Agents booking within four (3) weeks of tour departure are required to pay the full amount immediately to secure the reservation.
All bank charges are to be settled by the client or agent respectively. This includes transaction fees charged by our bank.
The amount shown on the invoice is the amount that needs to reflect in our account and should bank charges have been deducted, we would have to invoice you subsequently.


Cancellation fees – Guidelines:-

Cancellations must be sent in writing to the office that confirmed the reservation. Cancellations shall only be effective from the date of receipt of cancellation by the booking office.
In case of a booking cancellation, the Company shall retain the full deposit.
For bookings cancelled or reduced by numbers between clients is subject to a cancellation fee as follows:

1. For Kilimanjaro Treks

If only advance deposit (30%) was paid until 10 days prior to departure – Free Cancellation 100% Refund of deposit. Less than 10 days prior departure no refunds.
If full amount was paid Until 10 day’s prior departure 90% refund of amount paid. Less than 10 days prior departure no refunds

2. For Safaris

If cancelled more than 45 days prior to the departure date, 20% of the booking amount will be charged as cancellation fees
If cancelled on or within 45 days to the departure date, no refunds will be given.

– 60 – 45 days from the date of arrival 30% will be charged
– 44 – 14 days from the date of arrival 50% will be charged

In case of cancellation within 14 days of arrival or in the case of a ‘No Show’, 100% of the booking will be charged

In some cases more strict cancellation rules apply and in some cases like bookings of hotels and transfers only, we will be able to refund you more depending on our direct costs involved.

Cancellations must be made in writing.

In the unlikely event that we have to cancel a tour for any reason we will try and offer the choice of an alternative arrangement or you will receive a full refund.
We will do our out-most to inform you about any cancellations earliest possible and latest 14 days before commencement of our services.

For any loss or expense arising from the loss of property, cancellation or curtailment of the tour however caused, save only to the extent that such loss of baggage, cancellation or curtailment was caused by the Youth Adventures negligence.
If sickness or accident interrupts a tour, we shall not be liable for any cost or expense arising there from, save only to the extent that such sickness or accident was caused by us willful act or gross negligence. We shall not be liable for any refund, either total or partial, of passage money paid.

We recommend that the client advise passengers to take out necessary insurance to protect the passengers against such eventuality.


Should a problem occur, please advise both Youth Adventures and the service supplier in question immediately, as most problems can be solved on the spot.
Should you remain dissatisfied, please write to us setting out the complaint in detail within 28 days of the end of our services under the contract.

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